FAQs about Children's Nutrition

Providing children with a balanced diet ensures that they receive all of the nutrients, vitamins, minerals they need for healthy development. Here at The Kidz Docs in Alexandria, VA, your pediatricians will provide you with the information you need to ensure that your children receive proper nutrition. Read on to learn more about how to make sure your kids receive nutritious meals.


A healthy diet includes a colorful variety of fruits. Fresh, frozen, or dried fruits are essential to a well-balanced diet. You can also feed your children canned fruit if it's low in added sugar. Fruits are rich in nutrients and help your children grow healthy and strong. However, avoid relying on fruit drinks unless they are 100 percent fruit juice without added sugar.


Make sure that your kids eat at least one leafy-green or yellow vegetable each day. These kinds of vegetables are a healthy source of Vitamin A. Brocolli, greens, spinach, and carrots are examples of vegetables that include Vitamin A. If your children rebel when it's time to eat veggies, sneak them into their diet. Try creating vegetarian-style meals by making spaghetti or chili without meat. Ask your pediatrician in Alexandria, VA, for other ways to encourage children to eat vegetables.


Protein boosts energy and builds muscle. It helps your children's bodies grow strong and enables them to heal quickly from injuries. Good sources of protein are milk, yogurt, eggs, cheese, peanut butter, fish, meat, nuts, and beans.

Schedule Your Child's Appointment

Your pediatrician will help you learn more about children's nutrition. Schedule an appointment with The Kidz Docs in Alexandria, VA, by calling 703-765-6093. Our experienced physicians will provide treatment that includes information about your child's nutritional needs.